Vacation is at the finish line.
Angkor Wat International Adventure in Siem Reap, Cambodia
Excursion to Phi Phi Island, Thailand
It’s not all business on this trip, experience the majestic Thailand. Explore the stunning beaches, crystal clear waters, and vibrant marine life of Phi Phi island. Spend some time in Bangkok soaking up the diverse culture and cuisine.
So, what’s involved in training for an international Adventure with Tourism Gym?
Group Training.
You don’t have to hit your milestones alone. We meet for group training and workshops to keep you encouraged and get you ready for the next distance. Group training are always in some of the best of Houston Tourism Spots, so there will be plenty to see and something to enjoy at the end.
Hybrid Training.
Tourist trainings will be both in person and online. Training plans will be sent out weekly equipped with recipes, downloadable worksheets and more. Hold yourself accountable with the Tourism Gym Facebook. Coaching calls will be for Q & A and will review details of the trip and practical ways to save money on flights and other aspects of trip.
Long Distance Walking Tours.
If you love the idea of finishing a foot race, but can’t see yourself going the distance, Tourism Gym will help you go beyond your boundaries with our long-distance walking tours. These carefully, curated, cultural experiences are not only fun, but are great for self discovery!
“I didn’t know I was able to walk that much. Tourism Gym really made me meet the challenge.”
Trip Planning.
Regular calls for trip planning. No tourist will be left behind. Calls will focus on practical information like when to get your passport, what vaccines to get, and how to get your visas. Also some tips on how to save money on your trip and flight.
Meet your coach and tour guide.
Jovan Abernathy created Tourism Gym to help ladies go beyond their boundaries locally and internationally. She is a certified brain health run coach with UESCA and Amen Clinics. Jovan has been running marathons since 2007. She has run half and full marathons on the Great Wall of China, from Asia to Europe in Istanbul, Turkey, at Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, and at Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia.